Charting the course to digital: 3 RIM challenges to overcome

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A robust Records and Information Management program is the cornerstone of today’s digital shift and advancing AI technologies. Let’s explore 3 challenges to overcome as you chart the course to your digital future.

Sue Trombley
Sue Trombley
27 May 20247 mins
Charting the course to digital: 3 RIM challenges to overcome

From massive cleanup projects and rapid technology advances to data overload and developing security threats, the need for forward-looking Records and Information Management (RIM) practices has never been more critical. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the data landscape, creating both opportunity and a cascading flurry of evolving regulations.

As a RIM leader, you are uniquely positioned to navigate your organisation through these changes, not only safeguarding data but also uncovering opportunities for collaboration. The strong foundation established in your organisation’s records program can (and will!) carry you through even the murkiest of waters.

Charting the course to digital: 3 RIM challenges to overcome

Here are three of today’s biggest challenges to overcome as you chart the course to your digital future:

1. Address your paper records inventory

The reasons behind an organisation’s inability to tackle records cleanup can vary, ranging from limited resources or a lack of visibility to the sheer size and complexity of a potential cleanup project. Missing record codes, unknown contents, and commingled files significantly complicate this process and put records cleanup—and control—on hold. The result of inaction is the same no matter the reason: you cannot make confident, defensible decisions about your legacy records that allow you to move forward with other priorities. You will also continue to incur unnecessary costs and risks. Understanding what you have and making smart decisions on records disposition is still one of the biggest challenges facing information leaders today. 

Clean Start

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2. Make digitisation decisions to enhance accessibility and fuel the AI engine

The concept of a paperless office has been around for decades, but many organisations have yet to achieve it. The path to paperless is often complicated by a lack of strategy and resources that can slow progress and dampen enthusiasm. The way forward is never to “digitise everything.” A balanced approach to digitisation that assesses requirements for access, litigation, AI, and other priorities ensures that the right choices are made for your organisation’s budget and goals—and that you’re not simply transferring a lack of control of your paper records to a digital format.

As we’re all keenly aware, AI is rapidly revolutionising how organisations do business. The impact of AI on Data and Information Governance is changing the information landscape as we speak. Organisations worldwide are embracing AI and advanced analytics tools in order to operationalise their high-value data. By strategically deciding what paper records to digitise, RIM leaders can augment data for AI models and ensure greater insights and more accurate results.

paper scan-74

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3. Clean up your digital data

Organisations across the globe are grappling with exponential data growth, creating even greater volume issues than they did with paper records. A significant portion of that data—whether structured or unstructured—is often redundant, obsolete, and trivial/transitory (ROT). This ROT data not only occupies valuable storage space but also hinders efficient information management, leading to increased costs, security vulnerabilities, and impaired decision-making. 

Addressing your program’s data hygiene complexities requires a systematic approach, involving the classification of ROT data, purging and archiving redundant data, understanding your data supply chain, and readying data for use in AI. This process can begin as far back as your physical records cleanup. After all, clean paper records = cleaner digital data.


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Store, protect, and govern: The foundation for success

The path to an optimised digital future might be more attainable than you think. While challenges abound, so do the possibilities brought on by gaining control of your records and embracing emerging technology. 

Iron Mountain is your partner to store, protect, govern, and transform your organisation’s most valuable assets. 

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