Research results: data risk and business resilience in hybrid working


Iron Mountain research results reveal trends and best practice for data risk management and building resilience in hybrid working models.

16 March 202212 mins
A finger points to computer code on a screen

How to protect your business in the face of growing data risks?

Business resilience has always been on the agenda of any organisation. However, the significant changes in our business environment over the past few years have pushed it higher up on the priority list. Move to remote and hybrid working, increased cyber attacks and tightening data compliance regulations only exposed areas of weaknesses organisations of all sizes need to address.

Many may not realise that a significant threat comes from within the organisation, from its employees. That data risk is often not malicious but associated with human behaviour, usually driven by seeking improved efficiency and productivity. The recent years and the prompt move to remote and hybrid working models have brought out more ‘work-arounds’ across all levels of an organisation, simultaneously putting more pressure on the records and information management teams and information security teams to drive awareness about cyber attacks and data compliance policies.

Did you know?

While 60% of data managers say risk management training sessions are well attended, 36% of workers claim they have never been to one.

Explore tips for mitigating information security risk across hybrid teams

We asked 11,000 employees in 10 countries about risks they are willing to take at home and at work. Inspired by our findings, we have developed a simple and actionable guide to creating a risk aware culture from the ground-up, which you can download here and start leveraging in your ongoing strategic conversations for building long-term business resilience. Included in the guide are 5 steps to creating a risk-aware culture that can help you identify the right tools to reshape your information management policies, integrate your technology and evolve your processes.

Did you know?

According to our study, almost half (46%) of data managers report experiencing increased data risks as a result of the pandemic.

Drive data compliance, wherever your teams are

Having discovered that 25% of respondents of Iron Mountain research have fallen victim of a scam or phishing and only 32% see the value in shredding documents, we have collected some useful tips to help organisations drive data compliance and minimise the information security risk that comes with more disparate teams.

Those best practices can also come handy when attempting to integrate your technology, which you may have on-boarded during the past couple of years. Extensive adoption of collaboration platforms has resulted in an influx in unstructured data creation, such as chats, meeting recordings, shared documents etc. Regardless of the format this data needs to be managed throughout its lifecycle just like any other record. Centralising your data compliance and policy management can be a good step to manage complex retention periods.

Manage your data risk and build business resilience

Please click Download Resource to explore other outcomes from our research, as well as solutions for accounting for human factor in your data risk management.