Data center sustainability overview: Decarbonize your IT

Solution Guides

We are the data center industry’s leading low-carbon provider because we plan ahead and take action to support our customers  sustainability targets. If your company had carbon reduction goals, then our sustainability program overview slick will give you a good overview how we could help meet your goals.

August 27, 20246 mins
Data center IT decarbonization


  • We have been offering 100% renewable energy since 2017, supported by our unique GPP climate action reporting solution.
  • We are in the top five leading providers in terms of efficiency and the number one for transparency, according to an independent study by Structure Research. Uniquely, all of our new builds are accredited to the BREEAM sustainable building standard, which includes the use of low-carbon materials.<.h5>
  • We invest and innovate every year to improve our PUE.

Most importantly for complete decarbonization, we are also the only global colocation provider to have pledged to match site by site electricity use with local carbon-free power generation every hour of every day, by 2040. We are already making significant progress in this area, making us an ideal long- term clean energy partner.

Our methodical, collaborative and transparent approach to sustainability simplifies and supports customer sustainability targets and feeds seamlessly into your sustainability reporting.


Data Center achievements