Infrastructure planning report Europe

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The latest trends, opportunities and challenges for digital businesses seeking data center infrastructure in Europe.

IMDC infrastructure planning report Europe

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The latest trends, opportunities and challenges for digital businesses seeking data center infrastructure in Europe

Download this infrastructure planner report to learn more about:

  • The European Data Center Market
  • Opportunities
  • Issues
  • Key Hubs
  • Growth map: key hubs, cloud & connectivity
  • Outlook
  • Iron Mountain Data Centers in Europe

The European data center market

Next to North America, which accounts for around 38% of the global market, Europe is the second largest and most mature data center market in the world, with well over 2,000 data centers and 30% of the total market. The data center business in Europe has been growing exceptionally fast over the last few years. According to CBRE Research, the European market grew by nearly 20% year-over-year Q1 2023 to Q1 2024. This overwhelming demand is causing some bottlenecks and issues in established markets, but supply is still rising steadily in key markets and accelerating in other areas.

FLAP: The leading hubs

The leading markets in Europe are in densely populated areas with well developed financial markets and very advanced network infrastructure. Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam and Paris, known collectively as the FLAP markets, are among the busiest data center hubs in the world. London, with over 1 GW of data center capacity, is second only to Northern Virginia, and Frankfurt, the fourth largest market in the world, is similar in size to Tokyo and Sidney. In recent years these four leading hubs have been joined by Dublin (‘FLAPD’) which is a base for many of the world’s leading cloud and IT service providers.

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European data center infrastructure planning video