Your invoice reflects Iron Mountain's Transportation service pricing. A "Zone" is assigned to each of your pick-up/delivery location(s) based on its distance from the closest IRM Records Management / Shred transport location.

Search by postal code (for example: Enter 1184 to search and click “Find” to view your assigned zone and scheduled delivery day (if applicable))

Note: If you have questions on your current service / pick-up & delivery days, please reach out to your Customer Service Representative.

Frequently asked questions

  • What are zones?

    Zones are area bands that are within a certain range from an IRM transport location. Customers are tagged to zones based on how far they are from the nearest IRM transport location. Zones are numbered from 1 to 5 based on distance, with 1 being the closest to, and 5 being the farthest from an IRM transport location. Each customer location is tagged to one zone.

  • What is a metro zone?

    Metros are metropolitan areas within Zone 1. These are high traffic areas that require additional time and cost to serve.

  • What does my scheduled delivery day indicate?

    Scheduled delivery days are the days your location will have the opportunity to request a pick-up or a drop-off of your materials.