
Customer Success Stories

Separating critical business data from disaster with Off-site Tape Vaulting

29 December 20158 min

Storing and protecting critical data, which was growing at a rapid rate due to technology adoption.


Iron Mountain® Off-Site Tape Vaulting Service.

  • Improved disaster recoverability.
  • Cost effective and timely archival of critical business data.

Separating critical business data from disaster with Off-site Tape Vaulting

IHS Inc. (IHS) is a company based in Douglas County, Colorado, United States.

IHS provides information and analysis to support the decision-making process of businesses and governments in industries, such as aerospace, defense and security, automotive, chemical, energy, maritime and trade, and technology.

Through a unique combination of information, analytics and expertise, IHS enables smarter and better decision making in everything from day-to-day operations to long-term investment.


Yearly transition of tapes to the international storage site or storing data at the office premises in fire resistant container was not an ideal solution for storing company’s existing and growing critical data.

IHS needed to find a better solution to accommodate both existing and growing data while allowing them to remain confident about the restoration in the event of disaster.


Decision to use Iron Mountain’s Off-site Tape vaulting Service was easy, as it was recommended and preferred by IHS global team. Now we can be sure our data is stored securely — and available when needed — giving us peace of mind that we’ll be able to recover if disaster strikes.

Aruldoss Ganeshan
Senior Manager IT
Global Data Protection, Infrastructure Delivery & Engineering, IHS India


In 2009, IHS selected Iron Mountain to provide tape vaulting services to store their critical business data. IHS is a global Customer of Iron Mountain, leveraging past4 years of experience and the trust, IHS preferred to choose Iron Mountain as service partner for India as well. Prior to using Iron Mountain’s services, IHS had their own setup of tape vaulting inside office premises. Also, they used to courier tapes on yearly basis to their international storage site. But keeping up with this process presented challenges.

Iron Mountain provided off-site tape vaulting solution to IHS, which improved their disaster recovery plan for critical business data and assured access to critical data.


With Iron Mountain’s help, IHS created a Restoration Assurance Program, built around their specific data archive and restoration requirements. The program establishes disaster recovery back up best practices and an auditable and defensible process for critical business data.

Additionally, the Iron Mountain’s tool Secure Synch has established greater transparency for the stored data. This system provides more visibility, easy access to the inventory and ensures consistency of the data management procedure.