Voting machine security
Iron Mountain’s Secure IT Asset Disposition ensures that retired US election voting machines are disposed of in a secure and eco-friendly manner.
U.S. Election security
Secure Storage services for your voting machines:
- securely store voting machines with easy access when needed
- utilise a local and convenient storage option
- repurpose real estate and leverage the space for a better purpose
Ensuring security for the us voting process is a toppriority
The department of the Secretary of State has the large responsibility ofsigning off on election results. A major part of that responsibility is ensuringsecurity and that includes properly managing retired voting machines that areno longer in use.
Voting machines contain one or more hard drives that store personallyidentifiable information (PII). If a machine is not tracked and securely disposedof when it is retired from service, this could create unnecessary vulnerabilities.
Iron Mountain Secure IT Asset Disposition
Trusted by U.S. States and Fortune 1000 companies, our Secure IT AssetDisposition (Secure ITAD) service provides your state and county with a trustedpartner to ensure your retired voting machines are disposed of securely andin an environmentally responsible manner. Our Secure ITAD solution enables you toachieve the following:
- Secure Chain of Custody: Secure ITAD offers auditable verification and strict security practices that include GPS tracking, secure transportation, and a documented chain-of-custody so that you know, with clarity and confidence, the physical location of your assets. This process also includes a certificate of destruction.
- Environmental Responsibility: Secure ITAD can help you meet the strictest compliance regulations and ensure that none of your e-waste is exported or ends up in a landfill.
- National Footprint: Your entire state or county can be supported with our fleet of 3,500 alarmed and GPS-tracked vehicles that track your assets at every step.
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