Document disposition for small businesses: the compliant way
Keeping every one of your organization's sensitive, private or business-critical records indefinitely would be impossible—and dangerous. One misplaced document or a single instance of information shared over an unsecured wireless network could result in thousands of dollars in fines and untold damage to your reputation.

Everyone has that one junk drawer in the kitchen fullof clutter they don’t use. While it’s trivial in the home,storing unused items is a major issue for smallbusinesses.
Keeping every one of your organization's sensitive, private or business-critical records indefinitely would be impossible—and dangerous. One misplaced document or a single instance of information shared over an unsecured wireless network could result in thousands of dollars in fines and untold damage to your reputation. Your organization can protect itself from risk with secure disposition.
Check out our guide to learn how a defensible records disposition policy can help you manage information and keep your small business compliant.
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