Transform your Digital mailroom

Solution Guides

You are likely all too familiar with the challenges that working with paper based information presents to the efficiency of your employees and to the information security, privacy and compliance requirements of your organisation.

An employee uses her laptop to access digital mail after the company automated the mailroom and outsourced the document scanning and mail processing workflow.

The need for Document Scanning & Mailroom Automation

You are likely all too familiar with the challenges that working with paper based information presents to the efficiency of your employees and to the information security, privacy and compliance requirements of your organisation. Leaders like you have been trying to remove, or at least reduce, paper-based information from business processes. In fact, 35% of organisations have an executive mandate to remove paper from their organizations.1

But it’s impossible to remove paper from your workplace when a mix of electronic and paper-based information continues to arrive as mail, and your employees struggle to manage thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of inbound paper mail, faxes, and electronic documents every month.Access to paper-based mail is an even bigger challenge when you have a distributed workforce that needs secure timely access to their mail regardless of their location.

1 AIIM, Paper Free Progress 2016
Industry fact:

11% - Scan ‘at-the-door’ or at the point-of-entry with a digital mailroom. Top 2 benefits reported: Data capture for downstream processes is better quality and faster ‘post-box-to-inbox’ times.


Types of mailrooms

There are 3 types of mailrooms: Traditional mailrooms, digital mailrooms, and intelligent mailrooms. Large volumes of inbound physical mail typically enter through traditional mailrooms. However, traditional mailrooms rely on manual systems and processes that are labour-intensive and prone to human error. As organisations consider downsizing and/or optimising real estate space, they need to streamline operations and connect data across business silos. Here’s where document scanning and digital mailroom comes in.

Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

Digital mailrooms eliminate the need for manual sorting and processing of physical mail. You can leave the entire mail processing workflow in the hands of a trusted partner, from mail scanning to data processing and indexing. This helps you to save costs on mail scanning equipment, reduces the office space required for physical mailrooms, and frees up manpower to work on other value-adding tasks.

Mailroom automation also increases productivity and efficiency as mail is processed more quickly. Physical mail no longer needs to be transported from one location to another, as information can be instantly captured and accessed electronically, from anywhere. With greater visibility over your organisation’s data, you can also make better informed decisions, quicker.

The benefits of digital mailrooms are varied and span across industries and use cases, from managing unemployment claims and processing insurance claims, to digitising the mortgage financing process. No matter which industry you are in, Iron Mountain can help.

About Iron Mountain Digital Mailroom

With Digital Mailroom service you’ll be able to eliminate paper at your ‘front door.’ Iron Mountain® Digital Mailroom solution is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering that enables you to enhance operational efficiency by digitising physical mail to provide secure access and retrieval for your employees, automating document-centric processes, and connecting your data across platforms. Our end-to-end solution provides an auditable chain of custody across physical and digital documents.

How does Iron Mountain® Digital Mailroom work?

Our team of experts secure and open your physical mail. We classify, categorise, scan and digitally capture the data and route it according to your specifications, including routing and uploading it into your automated business process workflows and backend systems such as your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and other systems. We can also capture your inbound electronic information, classify and categorise it, and convert it into a common electronic format ready for delivery to business processes and systems.

You control who can store, search, and access information in a secure repository. Dashboards provide insights into your operational efficiency. Integration options into common business systems allow you to connect data across platforms and feed into downstream processes. After digitization, you have options for paper mail disposition, including returning the mail to you, storing, and/or securely shredding.

The Digital Mailroom service is available with the following complementary services:

  • Secure Storage Services
  • Secure Shredding

With our Secure Storage Services, you’ll secure and protect your valuable physical records and documents and wrap a records management program around them.

When your paper documents have reached the end of their useful life and met your organisation’s requirements of retention, our Secure Shredding services will enable you to destroy them, confident that you are complying with regulations governing information destruction.

What you gain:

  • Secure access and receipt of digitised mail in a secure repository anytime, anywhere.
  • Automation and collaboration of document-centric processes.
  • Full traceability of mail, from initial pickup to receipt by the intended recipient.
  • Operational InSights from visual dashboards simplify decision-making.
  • Data connection across platforms and business silos drive efficiency in your organisation.

With the Iron Mountain® Digital Mailroom service you’ll gain the benefits of best-in-class technology, while avoiding capital investment and IT burden. You’ll leverage our ability to link your physical and electronic records, wherever they reside, our industry best-practice processes, facilities and personnel and our 65+ years of experience protecting customers’ information security and privacy.

Take your business to the next level today with Iron Mountain.

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