Episode 1: Learn the basics of dark data and overcoming compliance & security challenges

Video's en webinars

Our expert Rob Meulenberg discusses the basics of dark data and overcoming the challenges that companies face in regards to security and compliancy with Jennifer Amsterdam. Listen to our podcast to find out how to turn these challenges into opportunities. More info on this topic? Download our e-book: Smart and Secure Data Management in a Circular Economy.

22 november 202120 min
Episode 1: learn the basics of dark data and overcoming compliance & security challenges

Today’s businesses now have the opportunity to collect and analyse unprecedented amounts of data from a constantly increasing range of sources. Yet most of this data goes unused for analytics, instead taking up space on company servers and unnecessarily wasting resources. This dark data is one of the biggest untapped resources of all, and learning how to generate value from it is key to better information governance and more sustainable decision-making. In this podcast, you will learn how to overcome your dark data, compliance & security challenges.

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