six people inside an office space with a lot of natural lighting, conducting a meeting

Corporate record retention policy management

See how much easier managing retention and privacy can be when you have an online tool that does the legal research for you

Contact us

Know your obligations. Show compliance.

Iron Mountain Policy Center solution is a cloud-based retention and privacy policy management platform that provides a user-friendly way for you to know your obligations and show compliance.

With Policy Center you can manage your information through the entire information lifecycle—from creation to use to disposition. Maintaining accurate document retention and privacy policies means you can:

  • Keep your retention and privacy policies current and reduce risk of fines
  • Save on information storage costs by confidently disposing of information
  • Quickly access what you need, when you need it
Read the solution brief

Iron Mountain Policy Center solution

Policy Center solution suite

Four subscriptions are tiered based on the level and complexity of your organization’s information governance (IG), records and information management (RIM), and/or privacy program. Click below to learn more about each edition. Visit this page for more details on industry-specific retention schedules, curated by Iron Mountain’s Global Research Service (GRS).

Policy Center also has an integration option with Iron Mountain InSight® DXP, our information management and content services platform that leverages intelligent document processing technology to aggregate and connect physical and digital information, extracting key data out of documents and automating document-centric workflows to help you get to relevant information faster.

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Essential Edition

Read-only; pre-built retention schedule; retention legal requirements updated annually.

Standard Edition

Personalize record classes and modify retention rules; option to add one industry-specific retention schedule.
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Professional Edition

Customizable retention schedule; retention legal requirements updated continuously.

General data protection regulation (GDPR)

Are you compliant?

The GDPR has the power to change the way your business can collect, process, use and transfer personal data. Not only will you need to know and prove where your personal data is stored, you may also need to change the way you collect it.

Get expert InSights

Did you know?

28% of IG professionals say their organization has no accepted IG policies.

Source: AIIM “State of Information Management: Are Businesses Digitally Transforming or Stuck in Neutral?”

Talk to our experts

Are you GDPR-compliant?

Policy Center helps you know your obligations and show compliance.

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