Iron Mountain® Policy Centre Solution Standard Edition


Establishing how long to retain various records requires the development and implementation of a credible retention policy. However, maintaining a retention schedule through traditional methods is labor-intensive and expensive.

Hand reaching out for digital document

Industry fact: 28% of information governance (IG) professionals say their organisation has no accepted IG policies

2017 State of Information Management: Are Businesses Digitally Transforming or Stuck in Neutral?; AIIM

Business challenge:

Establishing how long to retain various records requires the development and implementation of a credible retention policy. However, maintaining a retention schedule through traditional methods is labor-intensive and expensive.

As the volume of retained business records continues to grow, so do the associated costs and risks of not having a retention schedule. The more information your business retains, the greater the burden of identifying and locating records when you need them for reference purposes and legal compliance. It’s a challenge to ensure your organisation is compliant when staying up-to-date on the ever-changing rules and regulations can be a full-time job. With limited resources, it’s a struggle to create a culture of compliance within your organisation.

How this affects you:

  • You’re keeping records longer than required for legal, regulatory, or business reasons
  • You have inconsistent regulatory citation and change tracking which impacts legal defensibility
  • You find it difficult to stay up-to-date on the latest records keeping rules and regulations for your industry
  • You want to build, curate, and update a legally defensible, global retention schedule, but have limited resources

What if you could…?

  • Purchase and maintain a prebuilt records retention schedule that reflects your business operations, without a large, upfront project fee
  • Grow beyond manual, timeintensive processes to research, update, and communicate changes to policies
  • Keep your Record and Information Management (RIM) program’s retention guidelines current and compliant with annual regulatory updates backed by high quality legal research
  • Confidently destroy information and store only what you need, so you can easily and quickly find what you need, when you need it
  • Manage risk by empowering employees to understand what is required of them from a regulatory compliance and organisational perspective

Policy Center Solution Standard Edition:

With Policy Center Standard Edition, you’ll have a pre-built, legally-defensible retention schedule – backed by the same high quality legal research used by the world’s largest companies. With this user-friendly, web-based tool, you can demonstrate your retention schedule is driven by current laws and regulations. You can also make quick and easy edits to record classes and rules to customise the schedule to meet your needs. The online portal makes for an easy way to share your policy, further driving compliance across your organisation. Policy Center Standard Edition is a subscription service to a cloud based retention policy management platform. Ready for immediate use, there is no need to invest in legal counsel or consultants to create your defensible retention schedule, now or for annual refreshes.

Through the successful development and implementation of a records retention schedule, you can realise the following benefits:

  • Improve the overall utilisation of resources
  • Control the unrestrained growth of records volume
  • Demonstrate compliance with statutory and regulatory recordkeeping requirements
  • Enforce the consistent implementation of recordkeeping policies
  • Improve the ability to locate and retrieve records when required
  • Reduce litigation risks

Policy Center Standard Edition is available with the following complementary services, to create a solution that can remove paper from your records and information management responsibilities: Document Imaging Service and Secure Shredding.

With our Document Imaging Services, you can have paper documents scanned and indexed, with metadata applied, for easy data retrieval. When your paper documents have reached the end of their useful life and met your organisation’s requirements of retention, our Secure Shredding Services will enable you to destroy them, confident that you are complying with regulations governing information destruction.

In addition to the ready-made records retention schedule for general business requirements, you’ll have the ability to add on additional industry-standard retention schedules for select highly regulated industries, such as banking and insurance. For access to expert Information Governance Advisory services to help you customise your retention schedule, you also have the option to upgrade to Policy Center solution Professional Edition.

What you gain from a prebuilt retention schedule

  • Updated legal retention guidelines will be delivered to you through your online portal on an annual basis, based on regulatory changes.
  • A simple browser-based editor
  • Fast implementation of policy
  • Low start-up cost
  • Easy way to share your policy within your organisation
  • Retention guidelines contain fully cited and summarised retention requirements backed by high quality legal research conducted by our network of law firms.