Iron mountain® accounts payable solution

Solution Guides

Streamline and automate your accounts payable and receivable processes. You’ll have the tools you need for a smoother and speedier month-end close with integration to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.

22 June 20226 mins
Iron Mountain Accounts Payable Solution

Transform your accounts payable (AP) processes


Invoice Processing is Manual and Inefficient

If you are like most AP departments, supplier invoices typically arrive at multiple business locations, in multiple formats (paper & digital), layouts and even languages. Invoices come in via the mail causing headaches for remote employees and potentially opening up the company for risk if an invoice is lost or not paid.

Slow turnaround and manual review of hundreds of emails to find and match invoices for payment results in late payments to suppliers and weakens supplier relationships, making productivity and efficiency a challenge as long as paper is part of the process.


Streamline Your Invoice Processing

Iron Mountain® Accounts Payable solution is a purpose-built software as a service (SaaS) offering that helps streamline and automate your accounts payable processes. You’ll have the tools you need for a smoother and speedier month-end close.

We can help you digitise your paper invoices and store them in a secure information management and content services platform. The platform can be configured with integration to many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with automated indexing of both paper documents and electronic information to pull key metadata used to match invoices to purchase orders (POs).

How does it work?

Iron Mountain payable solution graphic image

What you gain

  • Centralise receipt and digitisation of incoming invoices and purchase orders
  • Reduce manual data entry errors that could lead to delayed or missed payments
  • Manage and streamline cash flow and monthly financial close