Iron Mountain certifications and awards

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Certifications et récompenses

Notre priorité est de protéger ce qui a le plus de valeur pour vous. Non seulement nous respectons scrupuleusement les normes exigées dans notre secteur d'activité, mais nous contribuons aussi à les fixer. Nos affiliations, certifications et récompenses témoignent de notre volonté d'offrir à nos clients des solutions toujours plus innovantes.

Awards and Recognitions

We rank 604th on the 2024 Fortune Magazine Fortune 1000 list of the largest public companies in the United States.
We’re a member of the S&P 500 Index, the leading bellwether of the U.S. equities market.
Security 500 Survey
Security magazine named us on its 2013 Security 500 Survey, an annual ranking of the nation’s most secure companies.
We were added to the FTSE4Good Index in 2013 for meeting globally recognized corporate social responsibility standards.
InformationWeek 500
For the eleventh consecutive year, we made the InformationWeek 500, a listing of top technology companies. Iron Mountain finished at #88 in the 2013 rankings.
Selling power magazine logo
The corporate research team at Selling Power magazine has ranked Iron Mountain #5 of the 50 best companies to sell for in 2015.
InfoWorld magazine named Iron Mountain’s Room 48 Data Center to its 2010 Green 15 List of the most environmentally friendly technology projects in the world.
Sentinel training program
In 2013, Iron Mountain’s Sentinel training program was awarded the Learning in Practice Gold Award by Chief Learning Officer magazine. This program fully prepares front-line employees for their daily roles before they work independently and interact with customers and their information.
privacy plus
We are recognized as a PRIVACY+ certified organization from i-Sigma by Professional Records and Information Services Management International.


Certification ISO 27001:2017

Certification ISO 27001:2017

Sur l’existence d’un Système de Management de la Sécurité de l’Information, délivrée par l’AFNOR.

Conservation et gestion documentaire, numérisation et solutions électroniques, destruction sécurisée, Data Management (liste des sites).

Certification ISO 27001:2017

Certification ISO 9001 : 2015

Norme internationale reconnue pour les systèmes de management de la qualité (SMQ).

Prestations de service en conservation et gestion de l’information sur papier, informatique et audiovisuel (liste des sites).

NF Z 42-026 : 2017 (NF 544)

Certification NFZ 42-026 : 2017 (NF 544)

Il spécifie les conditions dans lesquelles doivent être numérisés les documents sur support physique afin de permettre une équivalence avec le document d'origine.

Prestations de numérisation fidèle de documents sur support papier (liste des sites).

Certification NF Z 42-013 : 2009 (NF 461)

Certification NF Z 42-013 : 2020 (NF 461)

Système d'Archivage Électronique

Système d’archivage électronique: Fullweb (SAE) (liste des sites).

Certification NF Z 40-350 : 2009 (NF 342)

Certification NF Z 40-350 : 2021 (NF 342)

Norme Française

Prestations d’archivage et de gestion externalisée de documents délivré par AFNOR Certification (liste des sites).

Agrément archives publiques

Agrément archives publiques

Agrément français pour la conservation des archives publiques courantes et intermédiaires sur supports papier et numérique. (voir la liste)

Contrôle des organismes de services (SOC) 3, E&Y

Suit les audits de nos politiques, nos systèmes et nos technologies.

SysTrust® Certification, E&Y

Concerne notre infrastructure informatique, notamment les activités du centre de données, la configuration des serveurs, l’administration des bases de données et les procédures de reprise après sinistre.

Certifications/Audit Reports

  • Service Organization Control (SOC) 3 Report, formerly SysTrust®, from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) – an audit of our IT systems by an outside, independent auditor to ensure we have appropriate internal controls in place for our IT infrastructure environment. Our SOC certification is based on three Trust Services Principles: (1) Security, (2) Confidentiality, and (3) Availability. Each principle is supported by well-defined and detailed criteria that encompass an organization's infrastructure, software, people, procedures and data. Download the Service Organization Control (SOC) 3 Report here.
  • Service Organization Control (SOC) Type 2 Report from the AICPA – Iron Mountain also maintains a non-public SOC 2 Report. If needed, please work with your account representative to obtain this report.
  • AAA Certified by National Association for Information Destruction from i-SIGMA.
  • Privacy+ certification from PRISM International from i-SIGMA.
  • PCI-DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC) based on the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard – If needed, please work with your account representative to obtain this attestation.


paper and pen


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