an empty minimalistic office showcasing desktop computers

Identify | The first step of your digital transformation journey

Building a strong foundation

Your organization is ready to embark on a digital transformation journey. But where to start?

The five steps to digital transformation begin with laying a strong foundation for success. This means starting at Step 1: the Identify stage.

It’s important to identify what records you have and how to organize them securely and compliantly before you do anything else. With this first step, you can determine what should be digitized, stored, or defensibly destroyed early in the process, which will ultimately help your organization save time, reduce storage costs, and avoid compliance risks.

Bridging the gap between physical and digital is what we do. As an industry leader in information management, we understand the importance of having the right information at the right time for the right job.

Our team of experts will partner with you to take this first step and determine the ideal solution for your organization and industry.

man pushing away physical stack of binders in favor for laptop
man pushing away physical stack of binders in favor for laptop

Here is what we help you withmountain ranges

Smart Sort

Smart Sort is a simple and budget-friendly solution to help you gain control of your records inventory. We’ll sort and reorganize your files according to destruction eligibility, record type, record status, unique identifier—or whatever you require.

Benefits of Iron Mountain Smart Sort

Find records quickly and accurately

Make defensible decisions about what records to keep, destroy, or digitize

Reduce the cost and risk of records storage

Support office reconfigurations and closures

Accelerate digital transformation

Navigate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures quickly

Industry fact:

71% of companies could reduce their storage costs by 30% if they knew what they could destroy.
Iron MountainInternal Analysis

Content Classification Service

Whether for physical or digital content, we provide Advisory Services and tools to enable classification and cleanup of redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) content.

Content Classification Service

Clean Start

Unsecured records, obsolete IT assets, and inactive files at the workplace can waste space and create risk.

Protect your organization's information, optimize space, and increase employee productivity with Clean Start. Starting with a complimentary onsite assessment followed by a custom recommendation report, we’ll help you identify and address obstacles that are standing in your way of delivering a secure, organized, and productive work environment.

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Our Clean Start experts help reduce risk and improve space utilization through the consolidation and/or elimination of:
  • Paper Records
  • File Cabinets
  • Onsite Servers
  • Obsolete IT Assets
  • Unnecessary Office Equipment
  • Cluttered / Disorganized Workspaces

Policy and retention managementmountain ranges

Information Governance Advisory Services

Our team of over 100 information governance experts have dedicated themselves to the intricacies of retention, privacy, compliance, and risk management. From lawyers and legal researchers to records managers and library scientists, our IG professionals take the time to understand your specific needs.

Industry fact:

62% of organizations indicated they struggle against a keep-everything culture.
CohassetARMA Information Governance Benchmarking Report
Our IG Assessment service is a proven methodology for answering 6 key IG questions:

Policy Center

Keep your retention and privacy policies current and reduce risk of fines through our Policy Center. This cloud-based policy management platform offers a user-friendly way to manage data compliance throughout its entire lifecycle, from creation to disposition.

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