Gain control of your records inventory with legacy records cleanup and Smart Sort from Iron Mountain.

Records and Information Management

Smart Sort

Sort, organise, and manage physical files at scale

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Unmingle the commingled with Iron Mountain Smart Sort 

Commingled files and disorganised records aren’t just a nuisance. They’re a liability that can inflate storage costs, increase discovery and litigation risks, and stymie the flow of critical information.

But what if you could efficiently unmingle your commingled files and know what to retain, defensibly destroy, digitise, or provide for a divestiture, legal matter, or other business need? And what if you could do it all without a complex, labour-intensive discovery project?

With Iron Mountain Smart Sort, you can. Smart Sort is a simple and budget-friendly solution to help you finally gain control of your records inventory.

How Iron Mountain Smart Sort works

Smart Sort - How it works?

Learn more About Smart Sort

Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits of Iron Mountain Smart Sort

Find records quickly and accurately

Make defensible decisions about what records to keep, destroy, or digitise

Reduce the cost and risk of records storage

Support office reconfigurations and closures

Accelerate digital transformation

Navigate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures quickly

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Frequently asked questions

Smart Sort is a simple and budget-friendly solution to help you finally gain control of your records inventory.

Is Smart Sort only for records stored at Iron Mountain?
We can execute a Smart Sort project at your facility or ours.
What if I have records stored in multiple locations or with various vendors?
We will consolidate the inventory at an Iron Mountain facility and then conduct the Smart Sort project. At the completion of the project, we store only those records that are required to be retained. The Smart Sort process identifies files that have met retention requirements and can be defensibly destroyed. With a cleaned-up inventory, you can reduce your costs by paying to store only those files that need to be retained for compliance requirements.
What does it take to start the Smart Sort process?
We need information from your core business application (master patient index, policy or loan management system, case file management system, etc.) and an up-to-date records retention schedule.
Does Smart Sort support multiple records retention policies and record types?
Yes, each project is customised to your records retention policies and specific requirements.
What record types are recommended, and which are not, for a Smart Sort project?
  • You will benefit most from a Smart Sort project with core business records that carry event date retention rules (loans, policies, claims, patient records, case files, human resources records, etc.).
  • Corporate and business records are not recommended (payroll records, invoices, etc.).
Am I required to use Smart Sort on my entire inventory or can I proceed with a phased approach?
You select how you want to proceed, and the project will be customised to your requirements, objectives, and budget.
I need a defensible process for records destruction. How can Smart Sort help?
  • The Smart Sort process leverages your retention schedule and rules to create a standardised methodology for file review and processing. This rules-based approach allows us to deliver a consistent and defensible output.
  • At the end of the Smart Sort process, we will provide a report that gives you file-level visibility and the corresponding disposition for each file. This report enables you to defend the actions taken on each file.

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