Transform your consulate process - go paperless!

Solution Guides

With Iron Mountain, you can quickly and confidently make decisions about your legacy files to enable more compliant and efficient records management.

23 March 20236 mins
Securely digitise and manage citizen records

Identify | Digitise | Store | Automate

Iron Mountain Paperless Consulate solution is a comprehensive suite of services streamlining your consulates processes, transforming customer experience while achieving compliance.

Paper and manual processes are slowing you down

Consulates typically cover a range of civil registration services supporting citizens living abroad. Similarly to other public offices, consulates are having to deal with legacy documentation typically hand written and stored in physical registers, which over time has caused physical archives to grow exponentially, making it difficult to find information easily. The recent Covid-19 pandemic added enormous pressure to public offices and consulates to remotely issue, renew and verify citizen documents.

Large physical archives are presenting privacy and security concerns, due to the impossibility to easily apply data retention policies in real time on large volumes of critical documents. This is exposing consulates to potential data breaches and fines. In addition, the high volume of requests for copies of records, cases and dispatches, along with reliance on manual, in-person processes have resulted in long wait times, and in some cases, disruption in services with consequent dissatisfied citizens.

Securely digitise and effectively manage citizens records

Iron Mountain, a trusted partner with over 70 years heritage and experience in document information management can help you solve those challenges and tap into the Recovery and Resilience Facility initiative created by the European Union to achieve your digital transformation strategy.

Our scalable solutions help you manage the entire information lifecycle enabling operational efficiency with a proven chain of custody, and at a reduced cost, while optimising on-site archiving space. From the assessment of physical records, to scanning of physical documents and consolidation into a digital storage, our rigorous document handling processes ensures transparency of where your physical and digital assets are at all times as well as the right to access information anytime, anywhere which enables enhanced staff productivity, citizen experience and compliance.

What you gain

  • Tap into the European Union (EU) Recovery and Resilience Facility initiative to accelerate your digital transformation.
  • Meet EU digitisation guidelines.
  • Consolidate your Real Estate.
  • Improve citizen customer experience and satisfaction.
  • Implement a full chain of custody across the entire information management process so all activity is auditable and traceable.
  • Secure and manage content with the ability to adapt to future needs.
  • Improve the accuracy for citizen certificates, including handwritten documents as well as accelerate consulates services (e.g., passport application, emergency travel documentation, etc.).

End-to-end service options:

You're unique - customise your solution

  • Information Governance
    Our Advisory Services team of professionals have dedicated themselves to assist you with reviewing, improving, or accelerating the intricacies of information retention, privacy, compliance and risk management.
  • Smart Sort
    We will sort and reorganise your files according to destruction eligibility, record type, record status, unique identifier - or whatever you require.
  • Clean Start
    We’ll manage the clean-out process and provide services to facilitate the secure destruction or donation of the items you no longer need.
  • Secure Shredding
    We will safely dispose and destroy on your behalf all physical documents that have identified to be Redundant, Obsolete and Trivial.
  • Staff training
    Our experts can deliver training to your staff members to make sure everyone is comfortable with the new ways of working and they are ready for day forward documents if you want to manage scanning and storing in house.

Go paperless with Iron Mountain

  • End-to-end information management including picking up physical documents, digitising and storing assets in a cloud repository, and paper disposition
  • Scale: 94 centers across 44 countries specialising in imaging, indexing, QA, and processing - handling over 1.5 billion documents per year
  • Security: We are known for securing sensitive data for 70+years across a wide range of industries in over 60 countries and helped consulates to transform their operations
  • Deep experience from custom engagements with Fortune 1000 customers
Want to learn more? To learn more, contact your Iron Mountain account manager directly.