Iron Mountain law firm digital transformation

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How we help transform legal services

We have deep experience with both legacy paper and digital files, equipping you with the resources to strengthen compliance, gain efficiencies and accelerate your digital transformation to unleash the full potential of your information.

Whether you are looking to free up valuable office space, strengthen compliance, or improve agility with better access and use of information, we have the solutions to realise your goal. Take advantage of our expertise as you confront your current challenges.

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A new kind of partner: Working with Iron Mountain is a game-changer

How can I reduce my real estate footprint?

Real estate costs are rising, but how do you stay competitive in the market, still save costs, and even accommodate a hybrid working model?

Moving your firm’s records offsite or digitising them can enhance productivity, ensure proper disposition, and increase accessibility for your teams. We help you optimise your workplace and repurpose space to save on operational costs.

Why is it essential to keep up with defensibly destroying legal records?

Defensible disposition is a critical component to managing cost and risk, but implementing proper information governance procedures can be costly.
The proliferation of both paper and electronic records—and associated storage costs—makes records management a critical need. Our solutions can help you defensibly destroy records to maintain compliance and mitigate security risks.

How can digital transformation transform my law firm?

Lawyers and support staff work on-the-go but often require immediate access to confidential legal files and information. But how can you focus on core business processes and better leverage your technology investments?
By digitising your records and leveraging our cloud-based services, your firm will experience increased efficiency. Our services enable improved agility with better access to and use of information, streamlined processes, and help with managing information growth and scale on-demand.

How our legal sector solutions deliver valuemountain ranges

Law firms are under increasing pressure to reduce costs. Many firms operating in expensive urban centres are looking to lower their real estate costs, which are often a firm’s second-largest expense. Location moves, remodelling, or negotiating lease renewals now involve taking a hard look at how to reduce the real estate footprint – and onsite records and file rooms are a good place to start.

By moving records offsite, you can:

  • Enhance efficiencies
  • Mitigate risks and improve records accessibility
  • Re-purpose space for collaboration areas

Consolidate your real estate with workplace transformation projects to ensure business continuity with our Clean Start programme.

Store your documents in secure and compliant facilities with our offsite storage service.

We know that defensible disposition is a critical component of managing cost and risk, and a key element of law firm Information Governance procedures.

With our Smart Sort solution, you can destroy paper records as they meet retention requirements and enable a more compliant and efficient records management program. The Smart Sort process will sort and reorganise your files according to destruction eligibility, record type, record status, unique identifier - or whatever you require.

  • Easily Identify Destruction Eligibility
  • Enable Box-level Destruction
  • Reduce Program Costs & Risks
  • Improve Find Rates

Once you’ve identified which records can be destroyed, our highly certified secure shredding service can help to ensure the safe disposal of confidential documents and paper records. All of the paper our services shred on your behalf is recycled in UK recycling mills, safeguarding the environment.

Many lawyers work on-the-go, and require immediate access to records and information. The move to a hybrid working model has also made getting timely access to the right information for the right people, regardless of location, ever more critical.

By digitising records and leveraging the cloud, law firms increase efficiency and can scale as they grow. As you migrate to a digital way of working, you can focus on core business processes and better leverage your technology investments.

These services enable you to:

  • Improve agility with better access and use of information
  • Increase efficiency with streamlined processes
  • Manage information growth and scale on-demand

Information governance

Stay compliant with our Information Governance Advisory Services to increase the adoption of well-documented and easily enforceable policies that apply across information types and across your entire organisation.

Iron Mountain helps organisations:

  • Understand your information and where it resides through Retention and Privacy Policy Management
  • Protect your organisation’s most valued data even beyond its active use with our Secure ITAD Services for security, sustainability and ensuring your brand reputation
  • Secure shredding of records and documents in a compliant, cost-effective way

Helping law firms achieve their sustainability goals

At the heart of any law firm lies sensitive and confidential information, which is why secure IT asset disposition (ITAD) is crucial. When it comes to disposing of outdated technology and hardware, there are potential risks to the security of the law firm's data. That's why law firms need a trusted partner with the world’s most secure data sanitisation platform. We ensure compliance and provide certified data sanitisation along with an audit-ready chain of custody for each serialised asset. All shredded materials are recycled in a secure, environmentally friendly manner. Those who choose remarketing as a value recovery option also contribute to their team’s sustainability efforts. These programmes minimise the amount of material entering waste streams. And, our comprehensive, audit-ready reporting helps you manage performance against your ESG targets.
Learn More about Secure ITAD

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Why work with Iron Mountain?

Why Iron Mountain?

We have the experience and expertise to streamline your law practice while keeping your clients’ data safe—and secure. We are especially proud to partner with law firms like yours. Together, we elevate the power of your work.

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