Iron Mountain InSight improves financial services organisations’ information management for operational efficiencies, cost savings, and business benefits
Iron Mountain InSight is an information management and content services platform that supports digital transformation and modernisation efforts at financial services organisations.

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Iron Mountain InSight is an information management and content services platform that supports digital transformation and modernisation efforts at financial services organisations. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform makes an organisation’s physical and digital content accessible on one central, secure system of record for faster searching, clearer understanding, and more effective use of data. With InSight, financial services organisations can realise benefits such as employee efficiency, process automation, revenue generation, and cost savings.
Iron Mountain commissioned Forrester Consulting to interview four representatives and conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Iron Mountain InSight.1 All interviewed decision-makers had experience using InSight. One of the interviewees was a COO at a financial services organisation. This abstract will focus on the use of Iron Mountain InSight in the finance sector.
Featured services & solutions
Iron Mountain InSight Digital Experience Platform
Access information from a unified, automated, secure platform
InSight Intelligent Document Processing
Digitise, store, automate, and unlock the power of your data through the power of automation
Digital transformation: Are we there yet?
Accelerate your digital transformation journey in five steps.
Financial services
From legacy records management to secure offsite access, leverage our wealth of expertise
All of the interviewees noted that their organisations had large amounts of data in various forms prior to using InSight. These were primarily digital and paper files, but their archives also included legacy formats such as microfilm, microfiche, tapes, disks, and CDs. Organisations siloed information management as they relied on disparate systems and manual methods, and they lacked a central solution that brought organisation and easy access. These environments resulted in employee inefficiencies, uncertain security standards, and vast data that were costly to retain yet underutilised.
After the investment in InSight, the organisations’ extensive content was more accessible and secure, processes were more efficient and automated, and data was more actionable.
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