In this report, you will learn some of the top reasons to outsource, including:
Implementing a records management program that’s based on best practices
Utilizing experts to address your company’s specific needs
Taking advantage of the latest technologies that help you get organized and stay compliant
Today, 59%1 of financial executives believe that driving corporate cost reduction is the most crucial item on the CFO’s agenda.
And, according to Gartner2, reducing costs through better efficiency remains a “Top 5” priority for senior executives. Thinking inside the box – developing a proactive, comprehensive approach to records management – can be a critical tool for addressing these priorities.
Of course, you could restructure your records management system on your own — but that could take months or even years and distract you from what you’re in business to do. A much more effective approach would be to have information management experts develop a customized action plan for cutting and controlling costs while making records management more efficient and compliant for your business. Here are 8 excellent reasons to turn to a qualified outsourcing partner that will deliver that and more.
1. Think inside the box: Get an expert to bring paper under control.
The average business produces a massive volume of documents, which makes locating and retrieving vital records in a timely fashion a challenge. In addition, files are frequently organized by non-standard indexing schemes that make it even more difficult to find what you need when you need it most. A single source supplier for records management solutions can help limit operational and legal risks by holistically managing your company’s information assets. With records management as their core competency, these partners have seen and done it all – developing best practices and expertise based on hundreds of customer engagements.
2. Think inside the box: Avoid having to make a “platform decision ”.
Outsourcing allows you to leverage the service provider’s investment in, and maintenance of, the latest technology. As times change and industries evolve, your needs will change as well. Your records management partner can offer you services on an à la carte basis or as solution suites that let you get the most from a comprehensive management strategy — as well as up-to-date technologies for everything from document imaging and management to litigation support and business process workflows.
3. Think inside the box: Don’t wait to see results ..
Implementing an effective information management solution doesn’t have to be time consuming. Vendor-hosted information management solutions often can be up and running in weeks, compared to the months it takes to evaluate, procure and install an in-house solution. As your business needs change over time, an outsourcing partner can help you evolve your records management program — add services, or scale up and down — so you can plan to stay ahead.
4. Think inside the box: Chain-of-custody matters.
With in-house document management solutions, physical records are often moved from offsite storage facilities to be scanned at another location and then returned for re-filing. Every step introduces a privacy risk, as well as an opportunity for lost and improperly filed documents. Having the ability to show consistent processes for protecting vital records against disasters, and safeguarding private information is key if you want to avoid compliance penalties and the high cost of litigation down the road. When you outsource records management to the right partner, your physical documents can be retrieved, scanned and re-filed with an audit trail — without risking privacy or ever leaving the security of the vendor’s facility.
5. Think inside the box: Hybrid solutions fuel process efficiency.
Although the vast majority of customer and business-to-business transactions are still executed and recorded using paper documents, they now coexist with electronic records in a complex hybrid information environment. What’s more, these vital records are frequently stored in distributed locations, so departments such as customer service, finance and legal have difficulty achieving secure, timely access to accurate data. A qualified outsourcing vendor can keep your files in paper format, while also scanning and digitizing them on demand according to your specific business needs.
6. Think inside the box: Arm knowledge workers with self-service tools.
Unless you have already invested in the personnel and/or tools required to consistently index active and inactive records, the cost of finding relevant documents may be incalculable – and your system will be grossly inefficient. Even if you have made the investment – unless there’s a high degree of consistency between indexers – the process could still require considerable time and search techniques to ensure that you find all the relevant documents in an efficient and timely manner. The right outsourcing partner can make sure digital file access and management goes to the employees who best know the documents, their business uses, and their access requirements.
7. Think inside the box: Create a plan that reflects best practices.
Ending the lifecycle of a paper document helps control the size of inactive file storage costs, not to mention the risks of leaving files within reach of unauthorized eyes. But, ending the lifecycle of a record carries its own costs. By outsourcing your records management, you can increase efficiency by cutting the time your staff spends:
Searching through documents in any given location and pulling those that are past their retention date
Putting them through a review and approval process to avoid costly errors
Shredding them with in-house staff and equipment
Make sure you choose an outsourcing partner with proven best practices in conversion processes, retention schedules, information security and privacy and secure destruction.
8. Think inside the box: Change doesn’t have to be difficult.
Changing information management processes can be easier than you imagine. An experienced records management partner, with years of multi-industry experience, can typically address the complexities of a comprehensive records management strategy more effectively and cost-efficiently than someone from within your company.
Simply check the records management company’s track record — have they helped businesses like yours before? The right records management partner should be able to come in, assess your records management processes, and present you with a comprehensive program that addresses your specific needs and returns significant additional value because the component pieces work together in a seamless fashion.
Iron Mountain has partnered with many companies like yours to develop and implement information management best practices. Our end-to-end methodology can help your company ensure that your critical information is protected, your risk and your costs are reduced and you are deriving greater value from that information every day.Elevate the power of your work
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