How it Works - Customer Support
Customer information centre
If you are curious about how a service works, you can explore below to see links, FAQs, glossary terms, and other helpful resources.
Ever wonder what the most asked NOC questions were for IMDC Customers? Check out our NOC FAQ
Why can I not access the portal? Password resets, portal access questions etc.
- Please make sure you are going to https://imdc.service-now.com/
- If you need a password reset please call or email the NOC at 833-IRM-COLO and imdcsupport@ironmountain.com
- An administrator can also make a password reset request for you.
- If you have questions about navigating the portal itself reach out to your account CSM or CSM@ironmountain.com
How do I put in a visitor access request?
- On the home page in the search field type in visitor request
- Click on “Visitor Access” and enter all the information
- If you have lots to add enter a person then hit add to cart
- Update pertinent information and hit add to cart again
- When you have entered all the folks hit proceed to cart and tickets will be created
What is the status of our package?
- In the portal, you should be able to see a list of active packages.
- Click on the link and see if the package you are looking for is listed.
- If the package is assigned to you you should be able to see it in your ticket queue.
- If you would like to retrieve the package you can change the status to X and note where you are for the delivery.
What are your badging hours?
- Badging hours are listed in the badge request tickets and below.
- Before going to badging hours make sure an administrator on your account has entered a badge request ticket for you. This will either start the background investigation or confirm that your company has a BI attestation letter onfile.
Data Centre Location | Open Badging Hours |
Amsterdam\AMS-1 | TBD |
Boston\BOS-1 | Monday – Friday, 8AM – 4PM |
Boyers\WPA-1 | Monday – Friday, 6AM – 5PM |
Denver\DEN-1 | Monday – Friday, 7AM – 5PM |
Kansas City\KCM-1 | TBD |
London\LON-1 | TBD |
New Jersey\NJE-1 | Tuesday 9AM – 11AM and Thursday 2PM-4PM |
Ohio\OHS-1 | Monday – Friday, 8AM-3PM |
Phoenix\AZP-1 | Monday: 9AM – Noon and Thursday: 1PM – 4PM |
Phoenix\AZP-2 | TBD |
Scottsdale\AZS-1 | **Appointment Only** |
Singapore\SIN-1 | Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM |
Virginia\VA-1 | Monday – Friday, 8AM – 4PM |
What if our company already does background investigations (BI)? Am I exempt from your BI’s? How does the BI process work in general?
- If your company does its own BI’s and they meet our requirements your company can provide an attestation letter (please work with your CSM).
- If your company requirements do not meet these guidelines, please have an administrator on your account submit a Badge Request ticket detailing in the special notes that the user needs a Background Investigation. The badge request ticket initiates the BI process.
- Please review our FAQs for the BI process in the ServiceNow knowledge base.
Once the badge request ticket is entered how do I check the status of my request?
- Once the ticket is entered the requestor and the individual needing the BI will be copied on any notes updated in the ticket.
- If you need an update or one has not been recently put in the ticket reach out to your CSM for a status.
How long does my BI last? If my badge stops working does that mean my BI is expired?
- In all locations except VA and WPA, your BI is good for 5 years. VA and WPA are 3 year BIs.
- If your badge stops working please open a ticket for the access to be checked. There could be an issue with the badge if it is before the three-year timeframe is up.
What do I do if I have a question about my invoices?
- You can reach out to ardatacenters@ironmountain.com for any invoice questions.
- In addition, you can reach out to your CSM or CSM@ironmountain.com.
Can I download a copy of my invoices?
- At this time we do not have the ability to let you download an invoice however this is an enhancement we are diligently working on.
- In the meantime reach out to CSM@ironmountain.com or ardatacenters@ironmountain.com.
What are the descriptions of the individual roles I can assign to users when adding or updating a user profile?
- Administrator – Full control over the account. They can add and remove people from the access list, approve work orders, submit smart hands, cross-connect requests, request accounting statements, and copies of contracts.
- Access Administrator – Allowed to provide and approve physical access to the data centre via either email or portal ticket. Any individuals approved for access will be chaperoned to their destination by someone on the access list or an IMDC representative.
- Accounting AP – The individual or email distribution that will receive electronic copies of invoices.
- Cross-connect Admin – This identifies an individual that can order cross connects via the portal.
- Receiving contact – This identifies a member of the customer’s team that should receive package notifications.
- Smart Hands – The individuals on an account that can submit tickets for billable smart hands work.
- Reporting – Individuals with this role can see all company tickets without being an administrator on the account.
- Customer Portal – If this role is checked, the person has the IMDC customer portal access.
- Change Normal – This identifies individuals on the list that receive scheduled maintenance notifications.
- Change Emergency – This identifies individuals on the list that receive emergency maintenance notifications.
- Data Centre Access – This box is checked when a CI (physical location) is added to an individual’s profile on the access list by an administrator for the account.
- Background Investigation – This box is checked when an individual has successfully passed a background investigation. If that box is checked a field will then be open for security to enter an expiration date.
- Security Card – This will be filled in if a card is issued to an individual that has passed a background check.
What is your dock receiving hours, are they 24x7? Do I need to notify you of incoming shipments?
- The IMDC docks are open from 7 am to 4 pm. If you know of a shipment coming in at any other time please try to give us advanced notice.
What is included in your Smart Hands offering? Will you login to my gear? Pricing?
- Please see the FAQs about our smart hands offering in the ServiceNow knowledge base.
How can I get a copy of the latest SOC report?
- An administrator on your access list can submit a ticket via the portal to our compliance team for all audit reports that are available.
What audit reports can you provide to me and how do I get copies?
- To make a request for a compliance report an administrator will need to open a ServiceNow compliance ticket. List all of your questions in the special instructions so the Compliance team can review your request and respond appropriately.
Where/How can I submit a cross-connect request?
- You can submit a cross-connect request via the customer portal. The ticket type is located in the Request Services section.
- Please note that you must have the administrator or cross-connect administrator role on your profile to submit a cross-connect request. If you do not have either of these roles please reach out to someone who does so they can submit the request. If you need to make requests like this in the future please reach out to an account administrator to update your profile roles.
- The information you will need to submit the cross-connect ticket are as follows:
- The location the circuit will terminate
- The date the carrier plans to install the circuit
- Where the circuit is going to be delivered
- Company name for Circuit Delivery (if different than your company name)
- Circuit ID
- Circuit Type