Secure Document Destruction without A Shred of Risk
Your information is an asset don’t let it become a liability.

Your information is an asset don’t let it become a liability
These days no-one can afford a throwaway attitude to information disposal
Ever-more stringent data protection legislation means companies face increasingly heavy penalties if they do not adequately safeguard data. Iron Mountain can help you take the risk and hassle out of the whole process. We can collect documents, hard drives, DVDs and CDs that are no longer required and securely transport them to one of our secure shredding facilities located throughout the UK. All documents and media are destroyed and we recycle 100% of paper records.
With Iron Mountain you can protect your business, and reduce your impact on the environment.
“We safeguard your valuable business information.“
Destroy, don’t discard
When you simply discard or recycle your business paperwork without an established secure destruction programme, you risk your business information being intercepted and inadvertently disclosed, with consequences for your brand and reputation.
While in-house shredding is an option, it poses problems. It eats up valuable time and effort, and there’s a danger that staff are unaware of all compliance issues – not to mention the health and safety risks.
Iron Mountain can help you overcome these challenges with a secure destruction programme, including vetted and uniformed staff, highly secure transportation and a secure chain of custody from collection to destruction.
£500,000 The maximum fine for contravening data protection legislation.
Source: Information Commissioner’s Office
“We shred every document to BS8470 Level 4.“
Shredding without cutting corners
Iron Mountain offers a complete end-to-end service with security at every stage. Whether you need daily or weekly collections, or periodic clear-outs, we’ll work with you to design and implement a secure destruction programme to suit your business.
- Day-to-day service: A hassle-free service with locked disposal consoles sited in your office, which we collect at regular intervals. Simply place all your documents in the console as part of your secure destruction programme. We do the rest.
- Periodic clear-outs: We can visit your office to collect and destroy all documents, DVDs, CDs and hard drives that you are no longer required to keep.
We shred every document to BSIA standard EN 15713: 2009 level 4 / BS8470 level 4.
“We provide an auditable chain of custody.“
Stay compliant, get certified
The Information Commissioner’s Office is now authorised to levy fines of up to £500,000 for serious breaches of the Data Protection Act. You can be penalised for disposing of information too soon, keeping it too long or failing to provide documented evidence of disposal. Under the legislation, hard drives, CDs and DVDs must also be securely destroyed.
Every stage of the shredding process. We can help you identify the types of information that need to be destroyed and when.
Iron Mountain provides a certificate of destruction and an auditable chain of custody, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
100,000 The number of victims of identity fraud in the UK in 2009.
Source: Home Office
“We shred 52,000 tonnes of paper every year for recycling.“
Shred, then recycle
Did you know it takes 17 trees and 26,500 litres of water to manufacture one tonne of paper? Or that, when discarded, the same tonne of paper will occupy three cubic metres of landfill?
At Iron Mountain we shred over 52,000 tonnes of paper a year for recycling. That’s a lot of trees and water saved, and a lot less land filled.
You can monitor the positive impact of your paper recycling through our green report, which demonstrates your secure destruction programme is reducing your environmental impact.
£1.2 billion The annual cost of identity fraud to the UK economy.
Source: Home Office
Manage your information before the end of its life
Iron Mountain is about more than just secure shredding services. We can help you take care of your information at every stage of its life, cut costs and improve efficiencies.
A partner you can trust
Understanding compliance challenges enables us to help you get the most from your information assets while reducing costs.
Customer service
Elevate the power of your work
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