The importance of shredding documents
Discussing what to look for when selecting a service provider to handle your secure document shredding

When choosing a professional paper shredding service, look for a provider that has thought through all the details.
For secure and permanent disposal of sensitive documents, a simple shredder just won't cut it. Secure document shredding services are a better option for businesses, particularly those working with personally identifiable or regulated information.
Destroying documents in a way that meets legal and regulatory guidelines doesn't just mean sourcing the right equipment; it requires security at every stage of the process and certification confirming that the destruction was complete and thorough.
This article will explain how to select the right document shredding service for your organisation. We’ll examine how partnering with a trusted provider can alleviate the risks associated with regulatory compliance while securely disposing of your end-of-lifecycle data.
Security at every stage of the process – the importance of industry knowledge
When it comes to selecting the right vendor for your secure document disposal, there are many factors to consider. If you’re amongst the Australasian businesses committed to effecting environmental change, then you understand the importance of using a disposal strategy that supports your commitment to sustainability.
Your confidential documents and sensitive information means you can’t just throw away old paper documents or electronic media – you need to ensure that you’re jettisoning your unwanted information in ways that align with federal and state regulations. An unwanted data breach could expose your organisation to policy violations, customer attrition or legal action. But how can you keep an eye on ever-changing regulations and updated disposal protocols whilst running your business?
In order to make sure your data is disposed of safely and streamline your end-of-lifecycle processes, you need to partner with a provider that alleviates the anxiety associated with these vulnerabilities and assumes the responsibility of secure disposal.
Select a provider that offers a range of services
When you’re sourcing a solution for your secure document disposal, here are some of the important qualifications to look for in a vendor:
Industry knowledge: Seek out a provider that is knowledgeable about legislation and compliance rules in your industry. When in doubt, ask for and check customer references.
Range of service: Chances are your sensitive information is stored on a variety of media. Document shredding services should be able to accommodate hard disk, tape and CD/DVD storage with the same guarantee of complete destruction.
The provider should make it easy for you to schedule pickup, whether the request is for a one-time clean out event or regular, scheduled visits.
The importance of end-to-end security
Your ideal partner should eliminate the risks associated with improper document disposal. In order to ensure the maximum security of your data disposal, do you shred all of your end-of-lifecycle documents or have them recycled? By outsourcing these responsibilities, you no longer have to make these tough decisions.
The right partner handles all of your disposal needs at one of its secure facilities.
When documents are taken off site, the provider should provide several sizes of tamper-evident locked containers. There should also be a documented process to ensure that containers are never opened until they reach the point of final destruction.
Once your critical documents arrive at the secure document shredding facility, the paper will need to be shredded beyond any possible reconstruction before heading to a pulping mill for recycling.
Any electronic waste such as backup tapes, DVDs, X-Rays and other non-paper media must be destroyed or recycled with a Certificate of Destruction available for assets disposed of.
Your ideal provider should have a facility equipped with staff who have a deep knowledge of efficient, economical and compliant document destruction processes and who can handle any volume of document disposal.
When your company partners with a secure shredding service that offers a certified recycling program, you’re getting the best of both worlds; you’re supporting the environment, fulfilling your Corporate Social Responsibility without compromising confidentiality and security.
The importance of traceability means that you need a provider who will document every step of this disposal process. Ideally, your organisation should be able to access a digital dashboard that provides real-time status updates of your documents’ disposal. By providing you with direct line-of-sight into the procedures that protect your sensitive information, your partner will give your business leaders peace of mind when it comes to their secure document disposal strategy.
When you select the right partner for these services, recycling and repurposing data no longer compromises your security – it enhances it.
We’ve identified what to look for in a document shredding solution. We’ve outlined the various benefits associated with finding the right partner. Now it's time to introduce a secure document disposal service that offers all of these efficiency-boosting initiatives in one comprehensive solution. It’s time to partner with Iron Mountain.
Iron Mountain offers secure shredding solutions
Iron Mountain offers secure document destruction, media disposal and paper shredding services aimed at handling all of your disposal needs. By partnering with Iron Mountain, you’ll gain a trusted partner who will prioritise the security of your sensitive information while supporting sustainability initiatives. Our certified recycling program guarantees that all non-recoverable by-product materials are recycled and a Certificate of Destruction is provided for each asset.
Whether you’re looking for secure off-site document destruction or sourcing a special purge or shredding project, Iron Mountain has both the experience and resources needed to handle any volume of asset disposal. If you’re implementing a new records management programme or simply consolidating your document architecture, we’ll work with your business leaders to allay the concerns that accompany proper disposal of your old records.
For over 70 years, Iron Mountain has been a trusted resource for businesses looking to reduce the costs associated with managing their information assets. When you’re ready to relieve the responsibility of secure document disposal from your workflows, trust the industry leader in professional secure shredding services.
To get started with Iron Mountain, contact us today.
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