Iron Mountain® Dedicated Professional Staffing

Solution Guides

Records and Information Management (RIM) is complex - your information is growing rapidly and improperly managed records increase your costs for discovery, litigation and storage.

8 February 20226 mins
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Business challenge

To keep pace with rapid information growth and manage the costs of compliance, litigation and storage, many organisations have developed record retention schedules and compliant rim processes. These initiatives are often complex and not easily understood or followed by employees, and with limited or no qualified rim staff to support the program, effective administration is often unachievable.

Industry Fact:

Only 38% of organisations feel the size of their staff is adequate to perform their information governance (IG)/RIM roles.

Cohasset ARMA Information Governance Benchmarking Report

How this affects you:

While your organisation may have RIM policies and procedures in place, you may struggle to implement them effectively. Whether this is due to resource limitations or a lack of support from upper management, the result is the same: increased risk, exposure to failed regulatory audits or unfulfilled business benefits.

What if you could:

  • Place screened and experienced RIM professionals in your organisation - at just the right time?
  • Gain immediate expertise for managing your electronic records as well as off-site and on-site physical records?
  • Find what you need, when you need it and extract value from information through proper metadata management?
  • Fully understand your obligation to protect private data wherever you do business?
  • Be prepared for regulatory audits and legal requests by demonstrating better access, discovery and auditable tracking?
  • Reduce litigation risk and strengthen defensibility with program-driven compliance?
  • Empower your employees to be more self-reliant when it comes to managing business records?
Our professionals can support you at your workplace, remotely, or from Iron Mountain Record Centres

You pick the roles you need to help develop and manage your program. Every role is supported by a team of highly skilled and certified rim professionals that are experts in their discipline.

Dedicated professional staffing

With Iron Mountain Dedicated Professional Staffing, you’ll have trained and screened RIM professionals working alongside you to implement and administer your program. With years of experience in best practices, policy management and consistent implementation, Iron Mountain can help you achieve a compliant and effective RIM program.

Information Governance professionals

Certified professionals will define the roles, policies, processes and metrics required to manage information throughout the lifecycle, including defensible disposition.

Records and information managers and supervisors

Direct oversight responsibility for all aspects of records management for both paper and electronic records.

Senior/records analysts

Perform information management activities for both physical and electronic records; such as Accutrac®, Iron Mountain Connect, Documentum, FileNet®, Sharepoint®, etc.

Records coordinators

Support records  management activities such as creating, maintaining, processing, recording, accessing, and releasing documents, files and other information.

Imaging support specialists

On-site document prep, scanning, indexing and filing.

Tape librarians

Onsite data centre staff to perform tape library activities.

Iron Mountain professionals bring you the skills your need, including:

Program administration

  • Provide subject matter expertise to establish, support, and manage Information Governance and Records Management programs.
  • Ensure compliance and retention for physical and electronic records.
  • Improve business efficiency with quality metadata management.
  • Train end users on your RIM program processes, including how to use your existing Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems and Iron Mountain Connect.
  • Standardise procedures and workflows across your organisation.
  • Oversee disposition processes under your RIM program to ensure that you are storing only what you need.

Storage vendor management

  • Integration of on-site management with off-site storage services.
  • Quality oversight on data integrity and records classification.
  • Cost-effective vendor consolidation for reduced total program cost.

File room administration

  • Administration of open-shelf and archival records storage facilities.
  • File room purges and shift services, including box stacking or shredding.

Business processes and workflow

  • Provide document indexing, sorting, scanning and conversion services.
  • Integration of records management practices into scanning initiatives, including Image on Demand (IOD).
  • Develop new or enhance existing workflows for greater efficiency and compliance.

What you gain

  • Peace of mind knowing you have exceptional talent managing your RIM program.
  • The ability to spend more time on your core business because your information obligations are under control.
  • Lower your administrative burden and keep your program strong.