Iron Mountain Smart Assign
Have boxes that are missing record codes? Smart Assign automatically assigns record codes according to your organization’s retention policies.

Automatically assign record codes according to your organisation’s retention schedule
Business challenge
Easily identifying and taking defensible action on your records requires an accurate inventory, including box-level record codes that are aligned with your organisation’s retention policies. When records are stored in boxes with identifiable descriptions but without unique record codes, it is difficult to initiate legal holds, respond to audits, and make defensible decisions about what to retain, digitise, or destroy.
How this affects you
Failure to assign record codes according to your retention policies means you’re likely over-retaining records. This not only invites unnecessary costs and risks, but it also limits your ability to respond quickly to compliance obligations or easily navigate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
Do you...
- have volumes of inherited records?
- have records stored for 10 years or more?
- store records without record codes?
- struggle to assign retention dates to boxes without record codes?
- lack the staff, expertise, and budget to manually review your inventory?
- lack a standardised and defensible approach to applying record codes?
- struggle to make defensible decisions about retaining, digitising, or destroying records?
- want to go paper-lite or paper-free?
Assign record codes at scale
Iron Mountain Smart Assign is a technology-enabled solution that streamlines the process of assigning record codes at the box level. By assigning record codes that are aligned with your organisation’s records retention schedule, Smart Assign provides you with the visibility and confidence you need to make informed, defensible decisions on what to retain, destroy, or digitise.
How Smart Assign works

Step 1: Identify records stored without record codes.
We work with you to identify boxes of records stored with descriptive information but without record codes.
Step 2: Leverage rule-based algorithms.
Smart Assign is built on decades of experience and a vast rules-based repository of keywords, phrases, dates, departments, and other important fields. Leveraging this repository of over 40,000 rules, your inventory report, and an up-to-date retention schedule, Smart Assign helps identify boxes that need to be addressed and automatically applies record codes.
Step 3: Run a quality check.
Once record codes are assigned, a solution specialist will run a quality check and send you a summary for authorisation. Once you agree to the assigned codes, the information is uploaded to Iron Mountain’s database and made available to you via our online portal.
Now that your records have been properly assigned according to your policies, they can be defensibly destroyed at the end of their retention period. For active records, you will now have what you need to facilitate future disposition decisions.
Efficient. Cost-effective. Done. Improve compliance with Iron Mountain Smart Assign
What this means for you:
- Improve visibility and confidence now that you have a defensible programme.
- Assign record codes at scale, according to your retention schedule.
- Make defensible decisions about what records to keep, digitise, or destroy.
- Improve budget planning.
- Reduce the cost and risk of records storage.
- Accelerate digital transformation.
- Easily apply and manage legal holds.
- Navigate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
- Simplify your ability to defensibly destroy what you no longer need to retain, now and in the future.
And you get all this without touching a box.
Want to learn more?
Contact your Iron Mountain account manager or visit
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