five people at a meeting in office

Current supplier information



In order to facilitate smooth processing and timely payment, it's important to follow Iron Mountain's Accounts Payable invoice submission guidelines. Please note that non-adherence to these guidelines will result in an invoice being rejected or returned to you.

These guidelines are not applicable for e-invoices submitted via the Oracle Cloud supplier portal; instead, they are only applicable for email invoices submitted to the Iron Mountain Accounts Payable email box.

Email invoices – generic guidelines:

  1. Submit invoices in the preferred format specified by Iron Mountain Accounts Payable (PDF, TIFF, and TIF only). Do NOT send XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, or TXT.
  2. Include complete and accurate invoice details, including vendor and company information, invoice number, date, payment terms, itemized description, quantity, unit price, local tax if applicable, currency, and total amount.
  3. Verify invoice accuracy by double-checking for errors, discrepancies, and correct amounts and calculations.
  4. Use consistent file naming conventions for electronic invoices and attachments to facilitate efficient tracking and processing by the Accounts Payable team.
  5. For vendors requiring a Purchase Order (i.e., those providing goods and services in support of capital projects), a PO number provided by Iron Mountain must be on the invoice. Without a valid PO, the invoice will not be processed for payment. For all other vendors, the name of the Iron Mountain requestor must be provided on the invoice. Contact your Iron Mountain POC if you are unsure whether a PO is required for your organization.
  6. Include relevant supporting documents (e.g., completion of work certificates and delivery receipts) with the invoice submission to validate the transaction and expedite processing.
  7. Submit invoices promptly, adhering to agreed-upon billing cycles or payment terms. Late submissions may result in payment processing delays.
  8. Always CC your Iron Mountain requester or contact person while submitting invoices to AP
  9. Promptly communicate any changes or discrepancies in the invoice to your point of contact in Iron Mountain to facilitate efficient resolution.
  10. Avoid submitting duplicate invoices to prevent confusion and errors. Keep a record of submitted invoices; follow up if needed, but refrain from resubmitting the same invoice multiple times.
  11. If you have any questions, need updates on payment status, or want to provide additional information, reach out to the APInquiry mailbox for help.

Email invoices – technical guidelines:

  1. Submit invoices in the specified format (PDF or TIFF) as per Iron Mountain Accounts Payable requirements.
  2. Ideally, attach one invoice per email with a single attachment. If necessary, a maximum of 10 attachments per email can be considered due to system or user constraints.
  3. Avoid combining multiple invoices into a single attachment; each invoice should have its own attachment.
  4. Ensure that emails do not exceed a file size of 10 MB. Compress or split invoices if needed.
  5. Submit invoices to the AP Invoices email box, and direct any inquiries or questions to the AP Inquiry mailbox. Please note that the AP Invoices email box is not monitored, so queries sent there will not receive a response.
  6. Password-protected invoices should be avoided because our system cannot decrypt them.
  7. Do not send advertisements or supplier registration emails either to AP Inquiry or AP Invoices email boxes.
  8. Do not submit statements or collection letters to the AP Invoices mailbox; instead, they should be sent to the AP Inquiry email box.