Iron Mountain® Policy Centre Solution Professional Edition solution brief
Download this solution brief to learn more about how to customize your records retention schedule.
Industry fact: 31% of organisations report that ‘translating the policies into system rules’ are one of their three biggest issues in creating an information governance policy.
Business Challenge
You’re responsible for making certain that your organisation can meet your external regulatory and internal operational requirements. This means keeping your retention schedule up to date to comply with laws and regulations so you can legally dispose of information when it’s no longer required. That’s challenging when the rules are constantly changing and you lack automated tools to enable employees to understand what’s required of them across all geographies and industries in which you operate.
How This Affects you
- You’re spending time and resources tracking regulatory changes instead of focusing on more strategic initiatives.
- You’re incurring unnecessary cost and risk by keeping information for longer than is required for legal, regulatory or business purposes.
- You have limited or no ability to communicate policy changes to information owners across the wider organisation.
What If You Could...
- Work with our expert Advisory Services team to help you customise your retention schedule?
- Receive online alerts of new retention requirements as laws change that affect your retention schedule so you can easily keep it up to date?
- Provide online visibility into the latest version of your retention schedule so you can easily communicate policy changes globally across your organisation?
Policy Centre Professional Edition
Advisory Services
Our Advisory Services team with deep IG expertise will guide you through the process of creating or revamping your records retention schedule as part of the IG Program Development service. You’ll be able to customise your retention schedule to align to select industries and geographies in which you operate. You’ll receive expert guidance on how to optimise your records classification scheme based on best practices, the level of granularity you need and your risk appetite. You’ll work together to define your subscription to legal research on updates to retention requirements based on where you operate and the types of law required to support your retention program.
Policy Centre
You’ll be able to develop, maintain and distribute your retention policy online through the user-friendly, cloud based Policy Centre portal. As laws change, you can count on high quality research from our international network of law firms to know how changes impact your organisation. Available as a subscription service, you’ll receive a feed of continuously updated, fully cited and summarised retention requirements drawn from changes to law in the jurisdictions and industries that impact your business.
After reviewing the updates, you can authorise to automatically map the updated requirements into your record class structure and update your rules accordingly. Employees in your organisation can easily access the latest version of your retention schedule online, using custom views and advanced search to filter to only the retention guidelines that apply to them. You also have the option to connect policy
Complementary Services
For complete customisation of your global retention schedule you can upgrade to the most advanced version of the platform Policy Centre Enterprise Edition, offering unlimited coverage of countries and industries based on your organisation’s needs.
With up-to-date and connected retention and privacy policies, you’re in a good position to clean up your legacy content through our Content Classification service, leveraging our proprietary classification rules database that systematically calculates destruction eligibility according to your retention schedule. You can unlock the power and value hidden in your data, both physical and digital, through Iron Mountain Insight™. Our cloud-based content services platform can help accelerate digital transformation, reduce risk and drive compliance, while allowing you to focus on the analysis needed to empower business decisions.
When your documents have met your organisation’s requirements of retention, our Secure Shredding Services will enable you to destroy them, confident that you are complying with regulations governing information destruction. For information you’ll be retaining, you can use our Secure Storage Services to secure and protect your valuable physical records and documents and wrap a records management program around them. You can use our Document Imaging Services to have paper documents scanned and indexed, with metadata applied, for easy data retrieval.
What You Gain
- Personalised support from our expert IG Advisory Services team
- Online portal to stay up to date on legal retention guidelines, personalise your records classes and modify your retention rules
- Fully cited and summarised retention requirements, updated continuously as laws change
- Ability to share policy with content infrastructure and key stakeholders
- Confidence to dispose of information and simply store only what you need so you can quickly access what you need when you need it and reduce risk of fines