CTO Kim Anstett on accelerating digital transformation

June 15th, 2022

Kim Anstett profile

Since beginning her career in tech more than 25 years ago, Iron Mountain’s Chief Technology Officer Kim Anstett has focused on enabling business transformation through technology. “I am extremely passionate about helping people less familiar with technology obtain the benefits of technology solutions and realize their vision of how best to serve our customers and markets,” Anstett says in a recent article published in IDG Connect. “Enabling that through and with technology is very fulfilling.”

One of Anstett’s main areas of interest is the power of the public cloud: “I see the cloud as an enabler for innovation and, in my opinion, it is the foundation for so many of the technologies that are changing the world.”

Anstett is also highly focused on cybersecurity and what it means for customers. “Data privacy is extremely relevant in real time situations that everybody is dealing with - whether they are businesses or consumer,” she says. “As a technologist, I have to be very focused on the latest trends in cybersecurity and make it a priority in everything we do, whether it's our internal business operations or customer solutions.”

Learn how she and her team are implementing new ways to help customers on their digital transformation journey by reading the article on IDGConnect.com >

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