Everyone plays a role: Augusta's story

September 15th, 2021

4 mins
Augusta's story - everyone plays a role

In São Paulo, Brazil, Augusta Soto is working to imagine new futures for her community, workplace, and country. At Iron Mountain, she leads the Black Colleagues ERG in LATAM, which actively promotes a safe work environment where people can feel free to truly be themselves - both in the corporate setting and beyond.

Augusta Soto is an agent of change. She is a mother, a leader, and a mountaineer devoted to positive impact.

In São Paulo, Brazil, Augusta grew up in an underserved community. But through the strong influence of her mother, she has grown into a community leader that now is focused on giving back.

"My mother made me into who I am today, someone who can occupy the spaces that I do." 

At Iron Mountain, Augusta leads the Black Colleagues ERG in LATAM focused around diversity, equity, and inclusion. She actively promotes a safe work environment where people can feel free to truly be themselves - both at work and in their local communities.

This is important because racial prejudice and discrimination is an issue across Brazil. Augusta believes her work within her sphere of influence can help bring about a positive change.

"We need to be agents of change in this structure, regardless of where we are. It's something that I do in and out of Iron Mountain."

This work is not only critical within Iron Mountain, but at home and in our communities as well. Augusta now supports her daughter, a budding food entrepreneur who is inspired by her mother and grandmother.

"This is not a topic that stays within the walls of Iron Mountain. It's a topic that people have to take home, to discuss with their families, to discuss in their network of friends, with their children. Because we are talking about a social structure, not only a corporate structure."

Augusta is actively writing new chapters in our sustainability story as a company.

Everyone plays a role. What's yours?

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