Iron Mountain VP shares key implications for Information Lifecycle Management in 2023


April 18th, 2023

April 18, 2023 mins
Iron Mountain VP Shares Key Implications For Information Lifecycle Management In 2023

Data security and privacy are critical issues that businesses of all sizes must address as they navigate the new landscape of hybrid work. In an article for Healthcare IT Today, our own Krishna Nacha, VP and Head of North America and Latin America, shared his insights on the five key implications for Information Lifecycle Management in 2023.

Krishna discusses the importance of redesigning policies and procedures, understanding data residency regulations, and leveraging AI to make informed decisions. He also highlights the need for organizations to identify and delete unnecessary data, as well as support compliance and governance. As the world of work continues to evolve, it's essential for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and prioritize their data security and privacy.

“Organizations must not merely tighten but completely redesign their policies and procedures around secure access to information across all access points and devices. Most managed to scamper through the last 2 years of pandemic-induced chaos with a patchwork of quick fixes, which will simply not survive the back-to-business volumes in 2023,” says Nacha.

Read more from Krishna Nacha here.

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