Physical meets digital: privacy is your responsibility

Blogs and Articles

Never before has it been made clearer that it's time to rethink the way companies collect and use consumer data.

Sue Trombley
Sue Trombley
March 23, 20207 mins
Iron Mountain logo with blue mountains

It hasn't been long since the implementation of Europe's GDPR, and we've already seen fines surpassing the €100 million mark for British Airways and Marriott International and, potentially, fines running into billions for Facebook. In addition, there are the costs which are much harder to quantify, like reputational damage and the urgent need to implement privacy by design as a default. It's hardly surprising that consumers are growing ever more distrustful in a time when personal privacy faces a constant assault from global corporations; consumer-facing online services being among the biggest offenders. Never before has it been made clearer that it's time to rethink the way companies collect and use consumer data.




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