Miami Data Center (MIA-1)

Solution Guides

Download our MIA-1 data center brochure to learn more about our upcoming 150,000 ft2 Miami data center.

March 11, 20246 mins
Miami data center overview

Miami Data Center (MIA-1)

Located on a 3.4 acre site in Central North West Miami, our purpose-built MIA-1 data center is just 8 miles (25 minutes) from Miami International Airport and 3 miles (10 minutes) from Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport. By mid 2026 this 150,000 ft2 AI-ready facility will phase up to support 16 MW of customer IT load based on 26 MVA of redundant operational power. Operated to IMDC’s industry-leading standards, MIA-1 offers an exceptional colocation opportunity for ambitious enterprises, cloud and content providers and large-scale users looking for a long-term high-density solution in Florida.

Why choose MIA-1?

Miami’s fast-growing digital economy, and its strategic location at the crossroads of the USA, the Caribbean, and Latin and South America, is driving data center demand, making
conveniently-located high-density AI-ready scalable space hard to come by. Whether you are a cloud provider or multinational looking for a large deployment or an ambitious enterprise looking for state-of-the-art space, MIA-1 offers the growing space, standards and power you need for digital success.

  • Huge growth potential in Florida’s fast- growing data gateway to the Southern States, the Caribbean, Latin and South America
  • GPU-ready high density new data center build
  • Exceptional IMDC reliability, efficiency, and sustainability in line with the industry’s leading compliance program
  • Providing 100% clean energy to meet our customers decarbonization goals

Miami data center

Beneficial relationships

Iron Mountain is rewriting the book in fast IT infrastructure deployment. From the day we signed our contract to when our modular data center was ready took less than one month. They provide us with an enterprise-class data center solution that helps us meet customer demand today and also allows us to expand quickly to support business growth tomorrow.

Space & power to grow

  • Purpose-built Tier III facility expanding to 150,000 ft2 / 16 MW of customer space and power
  • Leading levels of reliability and efficiency with 99.98% availability
  • Purpose-built low impact facility scheduled for full roll-out mid 2026

Iron Mountain Data Centers at a glance


  • 30+ years of colocation excellence
  • The most comprehensive compliance program in the business
  • The only provider to comply with ISO27001 (info sec) ISO 50001 (energy) ISO14001 (environment) and ISO9001 (quality management) worldwide


  • Smart Hands
  • Migration
  • Cross Connects
  • IP Transit
  • Metro Wave
  • Peering
  • Cloud On-Ramp


  • Ultra-efficient operations
  • Provide 100% clean energy for our customers decarbonization goals 


  • Carrier and cloud-neutral for a thriving ecosystem
  • All major cloud providers, SDNs, CDNs, IXs and global tier 1 networks
  • Huge range of global and regional networks
  • Hundreds of ISPs and MSPs

Want to learn more?

Contact a data center team member today!

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