Unlocking the value in retired data center assets

Blogs and Articles

Maximize recovery value and improve financial results with Asset Lifecycle Management.

May 30, 20237 mins
Unlocking the Value in Retired Data Center Assets

Maximize recovery value and improve financial results with Asset Lifecycle Management.

Decommissioning data center assets can be a daunting task for IT organizations. As a result, companies often focus solely on data security and regulatory compliance while overlooking the potential value of retired assets. However, these assets often have significant value that can be recovered and used to improve financial results, increase ROI, and augment IT budgets.

Maximizing Recovered Value in IT Assets

When it comes to unlocking the value of retired assets, IT organizations can benefit from having a partner to guide them through the complicated process of asset disposition. Iron Mountain Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) is here to help. With over 20 years of experience serving the world’s most demanding data center operators, we are the world’s number one data center remarketing program. Our industry-leading strategies for selling assets at scale are designed to help IT organizations achieve the highest value for their retired assets.

Data Center Decommissioning You Can Trust

Data center decommissioning is a complex process that demands meticulous planning and execution. However, IT organizations can unlock the value in their retired IT assets and enhance their financial results by adhering to best practices and partnering with Iron Mountain as a trusted partner. With Iron Mountain ALM, IT leaders can have peace of mind knowing that their decommissioned assets are being handled securely and responsibly while maximizing the potential asset value.

End-to-End Decommissioning Solutions

Partnering with Iron Mountain ALM offers benefits beyond asset value recovery. Our secure end-to-end solutions include proprietary data sanitization software and physical reconciliation processes that virtually eliminate the risk of data-bearing asset escapes. We ensure the highest regulatory compliance with ADISA Data Sanitization certification and provide complete audit trails for every serialized asset. Moreover, by partnering with us, IT organizations can safely and securely enable a second life for their outbound hardware assets, aligning with the principles of the circular economy by maximizing resource use and minimizing waste.

Learn how we can support your business needs with our Data Center Decommissioning services.