Rethinking the office space: Critical considerations for workplace transformation

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Read our updated IDG survey results on the topic of workplace transformation and get insight into how global organizations are rethinking their workspace.

Rethinking the office space: Critical considerations for workplace transformation- People in a meeting

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Keeping up with the pulse of workplace transformation is what we do. So we followed up on IDG research we conducted in 2019 and repeated the same study for comparison.

We re-surveyed a group of global decision-makers across various industries on the topic of workplace transformation in 2021. They answered questions about the process, goals, responsibilities, and outcomes of current and upcoming projects, as well as how they are rethinking their workplace strategies.

To learn how priorities have shifted for global organizations and the steps they’re taking to move forward, download our whitepaper.

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In 2019, IDG surveyed a group of global decision-makers across various industries on the topic of workplace transformation. They answered questions about the process, goals, responsibilities, and outcomes of current and upcoming projects. Given the disruption of COVID-19, IDG repeated the survey to understand the impact of the pandemic and how organizations are rethinking their workplace strategies.

Using the 2019 survey as a benchmark, we saw that some data points remained similar while others were significantly different. In 2019, 90% of organizations were planning or in progress with one or more workplace transformation projects. These projects retained similar popularity in 2021, but the priorities behind the transformation changed.

Securely and effectively supporting those who work outside of the physical office space is now top of mind, and as a result, the way leaders look at real estate strategy has shifted. In 2019, workplace transformation efforts were much more synonymous with workplace expansion. When asked then how they planned to accomplish workplace transformation strategies, the majority said they would acquire new space, with wish lists that included an increased variety of meeting spaces and dedicated areas for collaboration.

In the 2021 survey, the majority of leaders said they are instead examining existing space, and re-engineering footprints with a mind to how they can best support remote work, expand and enhance data security, and better support flexible, hybrid work options. The acquisition of new space has fallen to a distant third, behind office consolidation and closure.

As they re-examine their current spaces, leaders are planning to take more measures to ensure safety within the organization’s four walls and security when information needs to be shared outside of those walls. C-levels and senior leaders surveyed are placing the highest priorities on protecting private and personal information during a move or transition, along with configuring space to keep people safe and meet compliance requirements, and digitizing files to eliminate paper.