An intelligent approach to digitizing documents

Solution Guides

Iron Mountain solutions provide intelligent scanning, based on the access requirements for different types of documents.

August 5, 20226 mins
An Intelligent Approach To Digitizing Documents- Woman man discussion | Iron Mountain
All the benefits of going electronic, without the uncertainties and high costs

Converting your paper-based records into electronic documents can yield tremendous benefits: reducing physical records storage requirements, streamlining access and distribution of information across your organization, and reducing records management costs.

But there are many pitfalls that can undermine the effectiveness of an imaging solution. With our support and expertise, you can implement a new document conversion program — or redesign your current program — confident of achieving your goals without the capital investment, long lead times or uncertain outcomes of an in-house solution.

An intelligent approach to scanning

Scanning 100 percent of your documents may not provide the most cost-effective solution for your situation. Our solutions provide intelligent scanning, based on the access requirements for different types of documents.

Frequently accessed documents or document elements — such as the customized coverage page of an insurance policy — are always scanned. Documents that are rarely accessed are not scanned until they are actually requested; they are then quickly delivered through our Image On Demand™ trade; service. A well-designed, selective scanning program can yield dramatic reductions in conversion costs while meeting document access requirements.

With our solutions, you can:

  • Support electronic processes
  • Reduce storage costs
  • Enable faster search and retrieval
  • Provide anytime, anywhere access to documents
  • Ensure scalability and reliability
  • Deploy new capabilities with minimal capital outlay

Features at-a-glance

  • Scan only what you need, when you need it
  • Interface with your in-house electronic document management (EDM) system or Iron Mountain-hosted image archive
  • Ensure best practices for document security, access, and compliance
  • Implement quickly, with little or no capital investment

Document imaging services

We offer four types of imaging services depending on what your record inventory consists of:

Backfile conversion

If you have a backlog of paper records that are costly to store and manage, we can help you establish a fast, efficient process and perform bulk conversion of those records to electronic form. Backfile conversion reduces or eliminates on-site physical records storage and makes records easier to search, access and distribute.

Proprietary web-based tools provide an efficient way to identify unneeded records so they can be safely purged, without requiring your staff to physically examine the contents of every carton.

Day-forward conversion

While many types of records are initially created on paper, companies often want to quickly convert them to electronic form to support electronic workflow processes. Our experts can help you establish a conversion process that integrates smoothly with your existing business processes.

Image on demand

Image on Demand provides a cost-effective conversion solution for paper-based documents that have low retrieval needs. Rather than scanning all documents, which can be costly — and is often unnecessary — you can outsource a complete document library to Iron Mountain, with users only requesting specific documents “on demand”, as needed. Those documents are quickly retrieved, scanned and made available within hours. This “pay as you go” service minimizes costs by only digitizing requested documents.

Digital records center

The Digital Records Center is an electronic repository where you can securely store, find and share the digital files that we've created from paper, other media formats or original digital documents. Authorized users can search for, retrieve and share the information they need 24/7, from any location and on any device.

How to get started

Figuring out how to tackle all the different types of documents and records your organization has, and determining what to do with each type can seem like a daunting task. We do this every day, so - we have best practices and suggestions on how to make it a smooth process. It starts with an assessment — one of our experts will meet with you onsite, walk through your facility, and discuss retention requirements. From there, we provide you with an estimate of time and costs to get you started on your digital transformation journey.