Pickup services
Transportation of Cartons from your site to Iron Mountain is normally performed using the Regular Pickup service, which typically occurs on a fixed weekly schedule, with the day of week dependent on the postal code assignment of your location. You can request a Rush Pickup - Business Day service if you have a need for faster pickup.
Preparation for pickup
Prior to the arrival of the Iron Mountain representative scheduled to pickup Cartons or Files, you need to have packed all Files returning to Iron Mountain into Cartons or Packages. For new deposits for storage, you should affix an Iron Mountain barcode label to each Carton and complete all required forms. Please make sure your items are ready, as unprepared Items may result in a charge for Wait Time.
Delivery services
Standard delivery services for deliveries of two boxes and/or ten files or less will be delivered via third party within two Business Days. Deliveries of greater than three boxes and/or eleven files will be delivered on a fixed weekly schedule with the day of week dependent on the postal code assignment of your location. For urgent deliveries, please use Rush Services.
In those cases where you need service outside our regular delivery, you may request a Rush Service. Rush options include
Rush Delivery - Business Day or
Rush Delivery -
After Hours. These expedited service options will ensure that you receive your requested information in a faster timeframe.
Note that when a rush transportation service is selected, the Retrieval service charge that accompanies the Trip Charge is elevated to a Rush Retrieval service as well. For more explanation of this, please see the service definitions in the
Certain transportation services may be completed outside of Business Hours. Iron Mountain makes best efforts to complete Transportation Services as scheduled. Traffic, weather, and other conditions beyond our control may prevent us from meeting the scheduled transportation timeframe.