Maximising the return of your retired it assets
Video ve Vebinarlar
Premium İçerik
This webinar will cover the entire IT asset lifecycle process and offer a detailed approach to maximising the return on your assets.
Özel Önizleme
This webinar will cover the entire IT asset lifecycle process and offer a detailed approach to maximising the return on your assets.
During this 30 minute session we will offer practical guidance and provide an overview of:
- Increasing ITAD value recovery
- Implementing an IT asset management plan for the entire lifecycle
- Maintaining a Zero Risk process throughout the entire lifecycle
- How to achieve an additional revenue stream for your business
This webinar will cover the entire IT asset lifecycle process and offer a detailed approach to maximising the return on your assets.
During this 30 minute session we will offer practical guidance and provide an overview of:
- Increasing ITAD value recovery
- Implementing an IT asset management plan for the entire lifecycle
- Maintaining a Zero Risk process throughout the entire lifecycle
- How to achieve an additional revenue stream for your business
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