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You’re responsible for implementing controls and policies to ensure your organization is complying with laws and regulations. This includes interpreting laws and identifying compliance requirements for managing information, such as retention rules and privacy obligations, so you can properly protect and legally dispose of information when it’s no longer required. That’s challenging when the regulatory environment is constantly changing due to existing and new regulations, such as the GDPR.
You’re responsible for implementing controls and policies to ensure your organisation is complying with laws and regulations. This includes interpreting laws and identifying compliance requirements for managing information, such as retention rules and privacy obligations, so you can properly protect and legally dispose of information when it’s no longer required. That’s challenging when the regulatory environment is constantly changing due to existing and new regulations, such as the GDPR.
Only 24% of companies rate their level of readiness to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as high.
Ponemon Institute, “Data
Protection Risks & Regulations
in the Global Economy” 2017
Our Advisory Services team with deep information governance (IG) expertisewill guide you through the process of creating or revamping your information management policies for records retention and data privacy as part of the IG Program Development service. You’ll receive expert guidance on how to optimise your privacy policy and records classification scheme based on best practices, the level of granularity you need, and your risk appetite. You’ll work together to define your subscription to legal research on updates to retention and privacy requirements based on where you operate and the types of law required to support your retention and privacy policies. You can also receive support in mapping your business processes that contain personal data.
GDPR compliance kan være en tung merbelastning på et allerede overarbeidet bedriftsadministrasjon, men Iron Mountains Policy Center hjelper deg med å frigjøre ressurser til kjernevirksomheten.
Vi har over 100 eksperter som står klar til å hjelpe deg med å få kontroll over informasjonshåndtering!
Gjenbruk, resirkulering og remarkedsføring av IT-utstyr for å nå målene om å unngå deponering av avfall.
Få en GRATIS konsultasjon i dag!