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Satisfying Client Needs with Saas
Life Sciences
A software provider seeks theright data center provider tobring its new SaaS offering tomarket
Iron Mountain Data Centerscolocation services
As an Enterprise Quality Management software (eQMS)provider, SOLABS helps organizations in the life sciencesindustry improve operational efficiency and maintaincompliance with Federal Drug Administration (FDA)regulations. Its software allows companies to manage allquality processes in one single user interface.
Since its research and development team works closelywith customers on product enhancements and new productdevelopment, SOLABS was quick to respond when 80percent of the company's clients requested a hosted solution.
"Our customers entrust us to protect their electronicrecords, and we take that extremely seriously," explainsCEO Philippe Gaudreau. "We are constantly innovating andmaking sure our software is up to date by staying on top ofthe ever-changing industry regulations. We don't just providea technology-we provide a service for our clients."
With such a philosophy, it's only natural that SOLABS wantsits customers to have peace of mind knowing where theirdata is being stored. So upon determining that colocationwas the best solution, SOLABS knew it needed a secure,compliant and credible data center partner-one that offeredservices beyond just space and power-to bring its new SaaSto market.
SOLABS went through a rigorousprocess of reviewing the optimaldata center environment. SaidGaudreau, "We wanted a cloudplatform that allows us to providea 24/7 SaaS offering and optionsto our on-premise clients suchas constant monitoring, remotetest environments, offsite backupand disaster recovery programs."After evaluating several colocationproviders, the company selectedIron Mountain based on its proventrack record of protecting customerinformation in secure and compliantfacilities. With its highly securedata center colocation, built inaccordance with the most stringentregulatory standards, Iron Mountainmet SOLABS' most challengingrequirements.
Another selling point for SOLABSwas the flexible and scalabledata center environment, with aneasy-to-understand pricing modelthat didn't require any wastedexpense for unnecessary capacity.In addition to a full portfolioof services and 24/7 support-delivered by full-time, employedtechnicians who are well trainedin following proven and compliantprocedures-Iron Mountain alsoprovides comprehensive solutionsfor backup and recovery, as wellas an infrastructure that alignswith SOLABS' business continuityrequirements.
Now SOLABS can not only meetits existing clients' requests for aSaaS offering but also extend thisnew product to a broader range ofcompanies. By partnering with IronMountain, SOLABS is able to focuson product innovation and businessdevelopment while knowing itsapplication is in the right hands."Iron Mountain is a well-known anda trusted storage and informationmanagement company that alreadyprovides services to many of our lifesciences clients. This was a naturalfit for us. By partnering with IronMountain, we will move closer toour vision of "˜feeling local' for everyclient, no matter where the SOLABSQM software resides."
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